Adult Students Celebrate GCSE Success

Muhammad Talha

Adult students in Tower Hamlets who have been engaged through learning have been hailed for their participation.

The education scheme launched by the London Enterprise Acaddmy recently celebrated a group of students completing GCSE Bangla.

The school ethos is to use this particular GCSE to raise aspirations in general and encourage adults to pursue studies and vocational training to develop and further equip themselves for life.

Speaking after the graduation celebration at the school Headteacher Ashid Ali explained the benefits of the programme, “Learning never stops and these are hopefully the first steps in these mature students pursuing further training and learning, be it for personal satisfaction and development or even a chosen career path. There are many here today who are also parents of current students at LEA and today will serve to inspire them as well as helping strengthen ties between adults, children and families.

“Through our enriching programmes our society will benefit and this will lead to these students playing an active and productive part in British life by using this experience as a springboard for positive contributions.

“Well done to everyone for this great achievement and we look forward to providing more opportunities to help support the local community.”

Twenty one adults graduated with GCSE Bangla as part of the community engagement strategy at the London Enterprise Academy and it is planned that the scheme will be the first stepping stone to promoting learning and development amongst adults as well as helping to strengthen bonds between parents and their children.

Chief guest during the celebration was the cohort teacher Mesbah Ahmed. He said, “This is a deeply satisfying day. I’m pleased to have played a small part in this process and I thank Headteacher Ashid Ali for such pioneering work in making education accessible and appealing to all.”

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