Nation of nappers! as half of Britain now needs a siesta after lunch

Hafsa Islam

New research has revealed the afternoon nap is no longer an activity JUST for the over 60s or those in the Mediterranean, with a whopping one in five (20 percent) of under 45s taking one every day, compared to just one in ten (11 percent) of over 60s.

The survey by Abbott’s Lingo business found that a staggering nine in ten (90 percent) Brits say they lack energy, with half (47 percent) admitting that they end up napping as a result. A staggering 92percent of Brits aged between 30 and 44 years old regularly feel exhausted while over 60s are theleast likely to feel tired (18 percent).

The nation takes an average of four naps a week, lasting 53 minutes. Younger Brits (18 to 44 years old) hit the hay more than most enjoying five siestas a week, lasting an hour each. Brits favourite time for a quick power nap is after lunch at 2pm.

Sleep expert Dr Nerina Ramlakhan reveals that the post-lunch slump can be linked to a comedown from a glucose spike. “It’s shocking to see that a fifth of young Brits are so tired that they nap every afternoon. Our energy levels are impacted by what we are eating and when, it’s the process of our metabolism and as your body breaks down food for energy, one of the nutrients that’s absorbed is glucose. A programme like Abbott’s Lingo which combines a biosensor and app, allows you to have direct insight into what’s happening inside your body to better manage your glucose, providing personalised insights that lead to improved energy, sleep and overall health.”

The research also showed that a third (30 percent) of Brits regularly fall asleep on the train, while 24 percent drop off on the bus and in the cinema (24 percent). 20 percent say they have fallen asleep in the bath and EVEN at their desk (18 percent).

Two thirds (66 percent) say that having forty winks is a highlight of their day, with a snuggly and soft blanket (48 percent), no one else around (42 percent) and a warm room temperature (42 percent) are the ingredients for a perfect snooze.

More than one third want the curtains closed (37 percent) and a comfy sofa (34 percent), while one in three (31 percent) can’t doze without a proper pillow or sleeping in their own bed (26 percent).

Three quarters (76 percent) of 30 to 44-year-olds say that taking a nap is the best time of their day, compared to just 41 percent of over 60s.

Over half (54 percent) of Gen Z’s agree that hybrid working has helped them get their head down more easily, with more than half (55 percent) jumping into bed during the working day for a nap. A third (30 percent) choose to doze on the sofa.


1. A soft blanket – 48%
2. No-one else in the room – 42%
3. Perfect room temperature – 42%
4. Closed curtains – 37%
5. Comfy sofa – 34%
6. Proper pillow – 31%
7. Proper bed – 26%
8. Phone turned to silent – 23%
9. Windows shut – 20%
10. A timer on so you don’t oversleep – 18%

Research of 2,000 Britons was commissioned by Abbott’s Lingo and was conducted by Perspectus Global in November 2023.

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