Tower Hamlets Mosques App is Live

The Tower Hamlets Mosques App is now live on both the Apple and Android platforms.

Link to Android App…

Link to Apple App…

Tower Hamlets is a vibrant, culturally rich and diverse borough. It has a great religious heritage with many Churches, Temples, Synagogues and Mosques.

Muslim history in the borough stretches back to the 19th century and the East London Mosque, the largest in Europe, is over 100 years old.

Today, the borough has the largest Muslim population in the UK.

To date, there are 47 Mosques throughout the borough catering for worshippers and the community.

However, there are only a few Mosques in the borough with a fully functioning website, and fewer still, with an online prayer timetable. A need arose where all the timetables for the borough’s Mosques could be accessed from one central point. Thus Tower Hamlets Mosques was born.

Readers can also DONATE to the project here!

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